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Fast and Free Shipping
Fast and Free Shipping
Most products are usually in our warehouse
and ready to go out within
one business day.
Most products are usually in our warehouse
and ready to go out within
one business day.

Explore our most frequently asked questions for quick answers.

Shipping to the United States is FREE for orders of any size, with no minimum requirements.

On average, we require 1 to 3 working days to fulfill and dispatch your order. Our fulfillment teams take great pride in moving orders through processing quickly to get our customers what they've ordered as soon as possible.

Once your order is dispatched, the estimated delivery time is between 2 to 5 business days, depending on your address. Please consider potential holiday impacts on delivery times.

Depending on your address and order size, our system will automatically choose the most suitable carrier for your order. No action is required from you.

No, all our shipping times are guidelines, and specific delivery dates are not guaranteed due to potential delays in the shipping business.

We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages. If your tracking information states that your package was delivered to your address and you have not received it please report it to your respective shipping carrier.

If you have any further questions on how to do this please reach out to our customer support team.

Cancellations are only accepted within 60 minutes after an order is placed. If you have to cancel your order for any reason reach out to us within the given time frame.

Our fulfillment teams take great pride in moving orders through processing quickly to get our customers what they've ordered as soon as possible so cancellations are time sensitive.

If your order has already left our warehouse and is on its way to you or is staged for processing at the carrier's facility - it can not be cancelled.

It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that the shipping address entered is correct. We do our best to speed up processing and shipping times but there is always a small window to correct an incorrect shipping address.

Requests for address changes are only accepted within 60 minutes after an order is placed. If you need to modify your shipping address for any reason, please reach out to us within the given time frame.

If your order has already left our warehouse and is on its way to you or is staged for processing at the carrier's facility, requests to change the shipping address will not be accepted.

Please refer to the Return Policy page for further information on how to make a return.

Most products are usually in our warehouse and ready to go out within one business day.

Depending on your shipping address, your order will be dispatched from the nearest warehouse to ensure a faster and more reliable delivery process for you.

While we aim to process every order quickly, challenges during busy periods or supply limitations might affect our dispatch schedule.

Once your product leaves our warehouse, the delivery time depends on where you are located.

If there are any issues with your shipment, address, or recipient details, we will let you know right away.

Fast and Free Shipping